Thursday, January 5, 2012

Presentation day for Final Projects!

The presentation day for all of the Multimedia Authoring Students is on:

Date and time: Thursday, 12th of Jan. 2012. 2p.m. -----------> 12/01/12
Block B-4-02

Burn the project on CD and bring. You should have these folders inside the CD: PROJECT and EXERCISE. If you are a group put the exercises in a folder named as each group members's name.


Final Exame Tips!

Dear Students

Sorry if it is a little bit late!

You need to read the learning kit!
I will help you to read it better telling you the most important parts.

You need to read more about Action Script.
Yet you will see some questions from First Chapter.
Action Scrip Syntax
Simple Action Scrip commands like gotoAndPlay gotoAndStop ( How they work)
You need to read about action scrips operators( +,-,>=,++,-- ... ).
Publish setting page. In chapter 10.
Action Scrip Menu
Button event handlers
That's all
Good luck

Any question email me at
