Thursday, January 6, 2011

Final Exam Tips!!!!!

Dear Students

Sorry for being late for the tips. It was because I had a problem translating the questions.

  1. As usual you got 3 sections, A , B and C.
  2. Section A, Fill in the blanks and True/False questions.
  3. Explanatory Questions. You need to name something or mention generally about something. Please take a look at the marks in this section and find out how much you should answer.
  4. Section C, has got 3 questions you need to chose 2 of them and answer. This section needs more explanation from you guys. You need to elaborate. Each question has got 20 marks in this section and totally 40 marks for this section shows the importance of the section.

(Tips After this are more focused on the more important parts in you learning kit)
  1. You will see questions from parts we covered in the class. Until chapter 7 ( I just mention about those parts that I did not mention in the class.)
  2. About Action Script and its introduction.
  3. If you have 2 scenes in your project and you want to make a link you need to use this code: gotoAndStop("the name of the scene", frame number); ----> gotoAndStop("chapter1",1); this will take the user to chapter one frame one. If your were asked just this is a guideline.
  4. Read about the publish setting panel on chapter 10 completely.( we did not cover that).
  5. About button event handlers.
  6. The rest of the questions are very easy and you can answer.


1 comment:

  1. oraiit sir...i got it!! thanks for the tips!!! :)
